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eXp World Holdings Inc公司档案_eXp World Holdings Inc股票代码_eXp World Holdings Inc公司概况 微信如何开通信用卡收款

微信如何开通信用卡收款eXp Wo 微信如何开通信用卡收款rld Holdings In 微信如何开通信用卡收款c公司介绍
证券代码: EXPI 上市板: -
证券名称: eXp World Holdings Inc 上市场所: 纳斯达克交易所
证券类型: - 发行方式: -
首发上市日: 2018/05/21 首发价格(元): -
首发数量(股): - 首发募资总额(USD/元): -
eXp World Holdings Inc基本资料
公司名称: eXp World Holdings, Inc. 注册地址: 美国特拉华州
证券名称: eXp World Holdings Inc 上市场所: 纳斯达克交易所
办公地址: 2219 Rimland Drive, Suite 301, Bellingham, Washington, USA
董事会主席: - 成立日期: 2008/07/30
公司属地: United States 美国 电话: +1 (360) 685-4206
公司网址: www.expworldholdings.com
公司介绍: eXp World Holdings, Inc. (the “Company 微信如何开通信用卡收款” or “eXp”) was incorporated in the State of Delaware on July 30, 2008. The Company owns and operates its main operating division which is a cloud-based international residential real estate brokerage (“eXp Realty”). The Company focuses its operations on the use of cloud-based technologies in order to grow an international brokerage without the burden of physical brick and mortar offices or redundant staffing costs. The Company’s technology focus includes the development of a proprietary cloud-based real estate transactional platform.


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